November 24, 2009

Good People

Posted in Misc tagged at 9:43 am by itsourteamwork

Day before yesterday, one of my friend returned to his work place after having a long holiday trip. When he met us yesterday, he told that he lost his purse in the train. He kept 2000 bucks in the purse and some important receipts. He was worried about the receipts. Nothing much can be done, so he accepted the fact that he lost them.

Today, morning, he called and told us that, a gentle man found the purse, he call our friend and asked him to collect the purse. My friend was very happy and said that, “in this world, still there are some good human beings”.

“Yes, its true”, we said.

November 17, 2009

A Dialogue from the movie Baawarchi

Posted in Bollywood, Films, Hindi, Quotes tagged , at 9:48 am by itsourteamwork

अपना काम तो सभी करते हैं

कभी दूसरोंका काम करके देखिये

कितना सुकून मिलता ही

(A dialogue from movie Baawarchi )

November 10, 2009


Posted in Humor, Quotes at 9:47 am by itsourteamwork

This my true experience.

When I was in school, I used to go for tuition. My class teacher’s husband was our tuition sir. I had a good relationship with both madam and sir.

One day I went to my sir’s home. At that time he was cleaning a fish for preparing fish curry.

I asked my sir, ‘Sir, why you are cleaning the fish, are you going to prepare the dish?”

“Why? Can’t I cook?” sir asked me back.

“No, not like that, but I thought madam cooks for you?”

“Yes, your madam only cooks for us. But I have to prepare Fish curry”, Sir said.

Before I can ask “why”, he continued:

In the early days of our marriage, I brought fish from the market and ask your madam to prepare fish curry. She told me that, she doesn’t know how to prepare fish curry. Then I said fish curry is very easy to prepare, come on I will show and I prepared the fish curry. After finishing our dinner, she told me that, “the fish curry is very good, in-fact its better than her fish curry and asked me to prepare the fish curry every time”. From that day onwards, preparing fish curry is my duty.

Don’t try to PROVE.

November 3, 2009

Symptoms of an IT ian

Posted in Humor tagged at 4:50 am by itsourteamwork

Another forward mail that I have received

If you have been in IT industry too long these are your symptoms:

2.) Ur prime source of entertainment is the forwards send to U by friends whose faces U cant remember.

3) U drink more tea or coffee than water.

4) U keep trying to shut down ur home computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del (used to lock office comps)

5) When ur mobile rings at home, U rush outside to receive the call.

6) When U make calls at home, U accidentally dial “0”to get an outside line.

7) U haven’t played Solitaire with real cards in years.

8 ) Ur last crush was a girl in HR, ur current crush is the new girl in HR and all ur crushes in the future will be girls in HR.

9) U spend the entire day reading forwards, smoking cigarettes, drinking tea/coffee and  breaking your head to figure out the logic and then complain about the late working hours.

10.) Ur important ‘meetings’ usually comprise two or three people max, including yourself.

11)  U secretly prepare for CAT only to find ur PL sitting behind you at the exam.

13.) U keep pressing Alt tab  wondering why your PL is still not online .

14.) U email ur mate who works at the desk next to U.

15.) As U read this list, U r thinking of sending it to ur friends who are also in IT.

16.)U r too busy to notice there was no line no. 12

17.)U r not sure so u scroll back check it …

18.)And now u r smiling!!!!

Am sure u did steps 16 to 18.